The Hummingbird Institute

Beautiful Mind's own learning lab. Inspired by nature and driven by science.
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Write your awesome label here.

We're making a school

Our vision is to create a place of learning and community like no other. A school for our future. A Learning Lab for 3 to 18 year olds starting in September.

Young people face many challenges when growing up in an increasingly uncertain world. At a time when more and more young people are struggling to thrive, schools continue to teach students to recall information rather than understand life. 

Beau Lotto's Lab of Misfits is creating a new school where young people learn how to thrive in a world that doesn't yet exist, by fostering the brain’s innate capacity to evolve and bring Beautiful Mind's distinctiveness into action.

The ethos is to develop wisdom, wellbeing and their ability to way-find through life, by embracing children’s ability to make the world a better place.


What you learn and how you learn in the Hummingbird


Prospective Parents meet on 23rd April in Frome. Limited Spaces


Meet with Dave our Director for a chat to find out more